Monday, January 25, 2010

Strange night... part 1


Shhhhhh--!!! SHHHHHH!!!!

Shut up! The Mexican's gonna speak!

That's when I know that I've been in one place with strangers for a bit too long.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Oh, I said that I would never enter the perilous domain of the fail whale at Twitter.
I was so wrong.

I've restarted my twitter account given that some of my friends have discovered it and are using it. I wasn't pushed or anything, I thought that perhaps it would be interesting to do something different online. I haven't found any usefulness to it yet, but perhaps it'll change.

Now I've added an app on the sidebar, hope it works fine. You'll see me there tweeting random things, don't expect any enlightenment. XD

By the way, today I completed all my application procedures with UNSW.
I'm moving in next month! I'm so happy, yet so worried and afraid! It's a new era in my life.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sydney is now due for some major changes for what city-planning for a "sustainable" future is concerned (according to what I see from Sydney's 2030 project). Bicycles have been around forever, yet they are used very little here in Australia. It's really sad that a metropolis like Sydney performs low in comparison to other European cities of the same dimensions. Of course, it all comes down to how the city was planned. But drivers of course are part of the blame for why bicycles are looked down at as being a risk. Drivers are very rude towards cyclists. Cars tend to be very fast for us bike riders. Additionally, most cyclists don't have the ability or technology to be able to look behind them when in motion without increasing the risks of an accident. And as a cyclist myself I wouldn't cycle as a commuting alternative if I had to go to a high-traffic area, such as the city. Cars scare me. Buses and trucks are my worst nightmare. Oh, plus high-speed bogans.

Nevertheless, the City of Sydney is now opening up many bicycle lanes that will eventually give the road back to cyclists. I am glad that these changes are being done, but we still have to encourage more people to use bikes so as to make this change happen sooner, better and with greater attention. I commute to work, and it feels good to know that I didn't have to spend on petrol for that journey. I love my bike, I just wish I could get a basket attached to the back. That would be awesome. Oh and some mudguards too.

'Til later.

Hace tiempo

Don't let it in

Me acuerdo de aquellos días cuando comencé a aprender del arte de la recolección de luz que llamamos fotografías. En ese entonces simplemente apretaba en obturador con poco análisis en la composición en general. Pero me acuerdo que prestaba mucha atención al cielo, las nubes, el sol.

Las nubes cambiaban mucho, todo el tiempo, muy rápido, sobre la urbe xalapeña.

Y el sol simplemente surcaba la bóveda celeste lentamente, mientras todos nosotros nos cocinábamos bajo su luz y la pestilencia del aire húmedo. Aún así, siempre me gustaba jugar con la luz que el sol me daba.

Me escondía de él con la cámara y luego le trataba de tomar una foto desde la esquina de un muro, bajo un techo, de algo que obstruyese su luz. A veces así descubría halos alrededor del sol después de días helados. A veces así descubría que el cielo es mucho más interesante al atardecer cuando se trazan sombras a partir de los hombros de las nubes.

A ver, escóndete por un ratito

A ver, escóndete por un ratito.


I find that most of the hits this website gets come from me.

Talk about self-induced hits, with the intention of inflating my hits counter and my ego.


But I didn't intend on doing that. For real. I just update my site and make sure it looks good all the time.

On a brighter note, everyday seems to be much closer to the day I move out to UNSW! Awesomeness is in the air tonight.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010



As a person who endured the dark hours, weeks and months of depression and suicidal thoughts, I am proud to be a supporter of To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA). TWLOHA is an American fundraising/community support/volunteering group whose focus is on suicide prevention and depression treatment. TWLOHA is also seeking expansion in Australia and in the UK.

Many people in the US, and in the world, don’t seek for professional aid when in depression, let alone with suicidal tendencies, for multiple reasons. To help those in need, but who can’t get help, the Internet has shown its bright side by helping to close the gap of the affected to the source of help with this project.

TWLOHA is about to attempt to launch a live online aid service, with professionals running the site and answering help calls from people. Most depression-riddled individuals don’t seek for help, but with this project, help is much closer to them. For this, TWLOHA requires funds and has entered a charity competition to win $5 millions dollars. And in order for TWLOHA to win, it needs your vote.

Use your Facebook account to cast your vote for To Write Love On Her Arms by clicking on the link/button on the sidebar, or by clicking on the link below. You are given 5 votes, so please vote for other charities in the leaderboards towards the jackpot.

God bless you.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Y entonces, ¿qué hacemos?


Sin ningún motivo para ir a dormir.

Sin ningún motivo como para despertar.


Entonces, ¿qué hacemos?

I remember having a dream not too long ago.

Normally I would have heaps of dreams on a single night, but most of them were simple and unimportant fabrications of my dormant mind. So I forget almost all of my dreams. Ever since I moved into my new room with my new double bed and electric blanket, I dream a lot. A lot. Too bad I can’t remember most of them.

This particular dream really caught my attention. It was a rather simple dream, once again, with a mundane series of happenings that seemed just like real life. However, this time, something different happened.

I can vaguely remember the events happening before the climax point, but I think I was in the woods, but with a city inside it. I mean, the woods were thick but within a dense city, like a harmonious combination of a concrete jungle in an organic one.

Either I walked into a restaurant, a bar, a club, or something, I can’t really remember. But I remember going into somewhere with people. There where two girls tagging along with some other people. One of them was gorgeous, just beautiful. Not like the anaemic anorexic kind of beautiful we find in fashion mags, but the natural, slim, simple and humane beautiful. Long black hair, white (I think) skin, dark blue eyes (I think?), tall, about the age of 20 to 27 (just an estimate). She had a sincere look in her face, that kind of stare that makes you tremble inside. That kind of stare that makes you feel as if you could see her soul flickering like fire in her deep eyes.

Then that girl started dancing, or at least it seemed like it. She had a rotational movement, her hair was cutting through the air and her body was twisting. And in repeated occasions, her entire body would transmutate into what seemed like gold-tinted mercury. Just imagine blobs of mercury shaping her body and her body shaping blobs of mercury but sweetly added with the chromatic warmth of the Sun. Golden, really golden. Her body would swiftly move in the mercury, then burst out into her full human form. And then she would return back into mercury. I remember her smiling in her metallic liquid state, it seemed so surreal, yet so beautiful. So beautiful.

Friday, January 15, 2010

I see you

I am also




onlycluesandcablesand ships

and highways

made of concrete



Inspired by LUNAVE:


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Un mensaje que me dejó una maestra

siempre haz sido excelente, y ahora que estas a tu cargo y responsabilidad hay que mostrar que tambien tienes inteligencia humana, para la vida

deseo decorazòn que te sientas muy bien

y ojalà me escribas alguna vez

ahora tengo que irme, ya sabes que aqui siempre corriendo

Muchas gracias maestra.

When I walk...

When I walk through shopping centers, streets or places where a lot of people happen to gather around,
I look into the people's eyes
as they walk past me, as they stand in the distance.

It's not that I'm a freak.
I mean, I might be one, but I don't intend to scare people off.

You see, by looking into their eyes, I have a glimpse of their soul.

Some people have darkened eyes from the tears that have flowed from them
Some have their eyes blurred away because of the all-consuming monster that Time is.
Some have their eyes brightened up by an emotional affection to others.
Some seem to have their eyes bandaged away from the world, as if they were trying to hide from it.

What do your eyes tell about you?

Qué mala coincidencia...

Y no creo que la gente sepa de esto.
Sacred Site
Estoy es en Ayers Rock, también conocido como Uluru, una formación geográfica en medio del desierto en Australia.
Si no puedes leerlo, abre el link en la foto y checa las versiones de la foto de mayor resolución.

Y la vi, otra vez

In Chatswood

Hoy la vi otra vez,
la mujer que me ha atormentado la consciencia estos últimos meses.

No es que la odie, no es que la ame.
Quizás me guste.

El problema es que me da pena confrontarme a ella
y a lo que ella ha de pensar de mí.

Verás, se supone que debimos haber salido juntos hace ya más de 2 meses.
Un cafecito, una caminata por ahí.
Quizás algún momento íntimo en un futuro cercano.

Pero me perdí en el camino.
Me perdí en la magnitud de mi propio ego.
Fui egoista.
Fui un cobarde.
Fue un error.

Lamento que haya sido así.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Yeah, it's that time again. About two years ago I got a PSP Go!Cam for my PSP (duh) and filmed just about anything. But mostly, I filmed train trips, documenting the scenery flying past the window. Sounds like trainspotting? Meh, camera-users go through that phase. Making videos out of them? Meh, camera-users do that too. So finally I used some film that was taken 2 years ago and put them to accompany a piece of shoegaze music by the almost unnoticeable one-man-band The Sight Below. This song comes from his latest album Glider.

Yeah, go ahead and complain about my poor taste in music. Bwahahah.
No, seriously. It took me just as long to make this film. I had trouble using the appropriate song for it. My original plan was to use a Philip Glass piece, but it would be just too long and over-repetitive. There was a time when I needed to get more footage. And then I decided to choose The Sight Below. Firstly, because I dig his stuff. Secondly, that guy might need some help spreading his works. TSB is unusual for me, as I try to expand my musical taste. TSB blends in ambient music with a thumpy dance beat that really produces something out of the ordinary. It's like ambient, but just not that boring (I mean, ambient music is boring if you listen to it with full attention. Ambient music was not intended for such attention, listen to it accordingly hahahaha (so in other words, ambient is awesome but only for the trained listeners)). So there it goes, another video that I promised to deliver. I wonder what I'll do next this year.

The Olgas

This continues from the previous post...
Olgas from the west

The Olgas is another series of rock formations west from Uluru/Ayers Rock.
I believe that they belonged to the mountain range Uluru originated from. They are more varied than that famous piece of rock, and have more walking trails. But due to the high temperature conditions I had to endure, I could only look at them from afar and visit just one of the trails. It was just unbearable, at 42°C and with billions of flies swarming around us. Why on Earth do people live there for?! D:
Anyway, here are the pictures.

The mothership has landed
The Olgas 3

As we progressed through the trail, I looked back to check my surroundings.
Let me tell you something, it didn't look like Earth at all. Everything was dead, it was just a bunch of pinkish rocks and slopes, boiling under the Southern Sun. No kidding, it looked like Mars, but Mars closer to the Sun. I remember just thinking: "... Holy sh*t guys, are we in Mars?" It was weird.
Where are we? Mars?
We are so tiny

The biggest concern that day was not about the flies, or the Sun, or dehydration. It was my camera. It was incredibly hot, I was just waiting for it just stop working under these extreme conditions. I was covering it from the Sun as much as possible. I'm amazed by how well that camera behaved the whole trip.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Just as an intro to the following post


The Olgas

This are the Olgas, as seen from the south, in Uluru National Park, NT, Australia.

I like to think of them as spaceships.

Güey, o sea, güey, no

No pude contener mis gestos y expresiones de asombro y de asco al ver cómo una cucaracha volaba desde un árbol a la espalda de mi amigo.

Él obviamente estaba en su rollo, hablando como siempre. Ni cuenta se dio de cómo cambiaron mis expresiones en la cara en un marco de tiempo de 3 segundos.

Pero decidí callarme.

Él nunca se dio cuenta.



Saturday, January 2, 2010


soul eater Yeah, I’m back watching anime. It’s been a while after all, the HSC took a lot of time out of my life. I was thinking what to see, and, well, I haven’t finished watching Death Note (just 2 episodes from the end) and Code Geass. And I thought that perhaps something new would be quite cool. Looked around the internets for something, not much really. However, Soul Eater did grab my attention, perhaps because of the whacky halloween/CCC(from Vinnie Veritas)/urban feel its art evokes. So far I’ve watched 9 episodes (out of 51 oh dear), and it really reminds me of Naruto and Bleach. Naruto because some of the characters in Soul Eater are just so annoying. And Bleach because of all the shinigami and soul-spirit-thingies things that revolve around the story of S.E.

But I’m quite patient, those comparisons should eventually be futile as I progress through the series. I think?