Yeah, go ahead and complain about my poor taste in music. Bwahahah.
No, seriously. It took me just as long to make this film. I had trouble using the appropriate song for it. My original plan was to use a Philip Glass piece, but it would be just too long and over-repetitive. There was a time when I needed to get more footage. And then I decided to choose The Sight Below. Firstly, because I dig his stuff. Secondly, that guy might need some help spreading his works. TSB is unusual for me, as I try to expand my musical taste. TSB blends in ambient music with a thumpy dance beat that really produces something out of the ordinary. It's like ambient, but just not that boring (I mean, ambient music is boring if you listen to it with full attention. Ambient music was not intended for such attention, listen to it accordingly hahahaha (so in other words, ambient is awesome but only for the trained listeners)). So there it goes, another video that I promised to deliver. I wonder what I'll do next this year.
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