Friday, November 6, 2009

First Drive

Yes! I finally got my P's, after so many trials and failed attempts at the driving test. The day after my last HSC test I got 'em, and I'm sooo happy. :D it feels so good. So today I decided to go job-hunting, partially because I need to save before starting Uni, and also because I risk getting kicked out of the house if I don't have a stable income. Here are some pictures I took while on the way to Chatswood, to job hunt, my first independent drive to an urban area. :D


I won't have to take that bus as often as before
I would normally take that bus if I wanted to get to Chatswood. Not anymore, or at least not as often.
Getting there

Yes! This is Chatswood
Ah! Arrival to Chatswood :D

Me trying to look professional with my suit and tie.
Now I've gotta be more careful about these fellows
Now, I've gotta be more careful about these fellows. Good buddies anyway.
Parked on Westfield's parking lot
It took me ages to find a parking place in Westfield, it doesn't bother me to park on the top, but it just too a while. I also run into some trouble as I sometimes got in places where it was only one way, and either I had missed the NO WAY sign, or there was nothing. Meh.
Tou Yaw
Tuo Yaw, as expected because Chatswood has a large Asian population.
Yeah Freedom

Mah Coffee
Yeh, mah coffee.
Pedestrians crossing
People crossing through Victoria Ave and Archer St.
P platers playing around
Some guys trying to reach each other and failing, and all of us P platers. Who would have thought? Ah, us young people. I'm on the way back home. I'm tired now, and hungry.

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