Ya casi!! Ya casi!!!!!
Vuelvo en unos cuantos días…
Ya casi termino el bachillerato. Voy a extrañar muchísimo a mis amigos y el hecho de que voy a tener un motivo pragmático para salir de la cama en las mañanas. Después del 4 de noviembre, terminaré mis exámenes finales y estaré completamente libre, iniciando mi vida adulta tal cual y como los dioses mandan (y por dioses me refiero a mis padres).
Creo que el haber decidido terminar el bachillerato acá en Sydney ha cambiado completamente mi vida. No sólo estoy terminando mis estudios para progresar a la universidad, pero también estoy cambiando internamente. El yo de México ya no existe, ahora el yo presente es una combinación híbrida de la cultura mexicana y norteamericana con el ser libre australiano. Es extraño para mí pensar en cómo yo sería si no me hubiese venido acá. ¿Qué habría sido de mí?
Les dejo a ustedes con este pensamiento mío, muy muy mío…
Sé que con el pasar silencioso de un momento se pueden construir miles de memorias.
Sé que con el presente se puede jugar a la ruleta rusa con el destino; que aquello puede ser peligroso, uno nunca sabe qué podría pasar.
Pero creo que en cualquier preciso momento del ahora, todos somos capaces de cambiar quiénes somos y el camino que nos queda por delante en la vida.
Y quiero esforzarme en el presente para que en el futuro pueda decir “aquellos días fueron estupendos”.
Hasta pronto.
Our family has gone beyond our bandwidth download limit… and we are back to good old 90’s internet surfing style.
I am actually amazed by how slow it takes to even load a page. At max. 30kbits/sec, any website that is filled with ads and flash banners are a killer to the loading time, it just takes ages to load. And images take a long time too.
Because I use Facebook quite a lot, even loading a page there is just disturbingly slow. Luckily there is a Lite version of the site, so I can still use Facebook with almost the same flexibility as the normal version. Of course, it does not load as fast so there is still some waiting time, albeit shorter.
But I’m still here, still blogging and all. And I should get cracking now with some chem.
All right, I’m halfway through the HSC, 3 down, 3 to go. It’s going to be a very active weekend prior to those last tests, I’m really going to put my full effort into this. It is the last one, and as the last one I want to strike the jackpot at full blast and succeed. Two of those tests range in difficulty from hard to extremely hard, but are clearly doable. The other one is not as hard, rather moderate. I just hope everything that I do in the following days really takes effect and makes a difference.
I have not been to the city in quite a long time. I miss taking a train from my lovely Chatswood to Wynyard or Town Hall, for whatever reason. I know that there are heaps of complaints towards the city’s train transport system, and although not totally perfect, I think it is rather fair and good. I’m happy as long as it takes me back to my destination, that’s all that matters. I’m from overseas, so I can stand a bit of vandalism on the walls and windows or odd commuters next to me.
After the HSC is over, I would like to have other city-photoshoots. I’ve got better gear than ever to take pictures. I have a good camera, some filters, a cool camera bag and a decent tripod. Oh and some nice 35mm Ricoh SLR cameras. :3
Although I have already explored the city, there are some areas I have yet to discover. For example, I have never been really deep into the Botanical Gardens… I have always wondered if that SEX + DEATH sign near a glass-pyramid that comes up on Google Maps really exists. Weird stuff.
I have this project in mind that I have thought about doing since a long time ago. I have always been interested in Sydney’s history, how it came about and thrived to become the modern metropolis it is today. And what really caught my attention is the fact that Sydney used to have a broad, huge tram (or light rail) system. It was the biggest in Australia, and most certainly the most complex in the world. But the advent of the motor vehicle and the prospects of everyone having one gave trams a bad image, that they were unreliable and prone to causing accidents with motor vehicles. Eventually the system was scrapped in the early 1960’s, and until the late 1990’s, Sydney remained tramless. Currently, there is only one tram line, run by a private company, serving part of the Inner West to Central Station. I have always admired trams. So I decided to have a massive photoshoot project throughout the whole tramline.
Basically it will be this:
Starting from Central Station, I grab a tram towards Haymarket (I know, I could have just walked over there but hey I want the experience). I’ve gone through there before and I know where I can get some cool shots of the trams passing by the Convention Center (yes, I will spell it that way). After that I will take a tram to the John St Square stop, walk around, take pictures and grab the tram again. Repeat for Rozelle Bay and Lilyfield stops. After all of that, return back to Central. I have some specific ideas of where to go in this trip, but I’m too sleepy to type them all down :PCan I get any suggestions from you Sydney readers as to what cool places I could find in this area, particularly to the places close to the tramline? I’d like to expand my photographic repertoire (does that word even relate to photographic media?)
As a concluding note, I’m starting to use Windows Live Writer to blog!